How To Get 1000 Followers on TikTok (3-Step Strategy)

Are you stuck on take-talk and your views don't converge into follows? 

Well, in this video I'll show you a 3 step strategy. 

This strategy will help you reach a thousand followers, or if you already have an audience, but you feel stuck in another page that doesn't grow, then if you implement this strategy correctly, it is guaranteed to help you. And it's not what you might think. 


So let's go. This strategy is the way I grew my account to 2.7 million followers, and my first account which I grew to 300k followers, after I managed to get it unstuck from the 2000 followers I had. You have to follow and implement each step at a time, or this strategy will not work. And this is the strategy I've been teaching to many of my students till this day. 


1. Step Number 1: The content blits

This is a strategy that requires you to post as much as you can within a day. But of course you have to optimize it for your page. First of all, what I mean by posting as much as you can, is that you should upload at least 4 videos within a day, but my recommended number would be 10 posts. If you can go higher than that's even better. I'm not telling you to do that every day, but I would suggest doing it about once a week, or maybe even once a month, depending on how the videos perform the first time you do it. 

You might be thinking why should I even do this? It sounds stupid. I know it does, but it increases your possibilities of going viral. Imagine that there is one video that you're going to create that is going to go viral. And by creating 10 videos within a day, you go to that one video a bit faster.

But in order to reach that viral video, you have to create quality videos, and videos with that viral potential, which we'll analyze in the last step. So now you know why you should do the Cohebidlyt strategy. And here's how to do it properly. 

If your page is brand new, then I would suggest in the Cohebidlyt's day, to upload every one hour. For this project, there are no best times to post. And we leave that one hour because we don't want to show the algorithm that we are some kind of bots, that is just spam posts. 

But if your account is older, then you can upload every 30 minutes, or you can even upload 2 or 3 videos at the same time. After seeing that myself and having been shadow-bunded and have gone viral with it, I don't know how your page is going to react, but this is the perfect opportunity to do some experimentation.

Because that's what social media is, research and experimentation. And also by uploading this much, you show the algorithm that you are consistent, and you increase the possibilities of the algorithm picking up a video of yours and pushing into more people. Also, this strategy is great because it is compounding. 

By experimenting a lot with this strategy, I have noticed that when a video starts getting traction, the next videos will follow up as well. So if you upload 10 videos and the fifth video starts getting more and more views, I'm not talking about something crazy, but let's say you usually get one to 2k views, and this video gets 10k views. 

The possibility of the other 5 videos getting more views gets extremely higher, but that's not enough to get unstuck and go viral, because you need to implement the next step as well.


2. Step Number 2: optimize your videos for the algorithm

This is extremely important. Why? Because if you don't optimize your videos, the algorithm will promote you to the wrong audience, so that will not only harm your video's performance, but it will also lead to less followers, and if you get followers, the quality of these followers will probably be lower than what you want. 

So in order to implement this step correctly, I want you to grab a piece of paper, or do it in your mind. It's the same thing for me, if that works for you. And I want you to write down what is your target viewer. I want you to write down their age, their gender, their interests, their hobbies, their income, everything. Although you have a better understanding, you will have to use specific hashtags and specific keywords for that target viewer.

I mean not using general hashtags, like for example, hashtag viral video that I see so often. For example, if your business is about card detailing, use general hashtags like hashtag card talk, but also use very specific hashtags, like hashtag card detailing, or maybe even use a hashtag for the specific car in the video you uploaded. 

And if you're talking in the video, make sure you say those keywords. So this way, the algorithm picks up all these keywords, and it will promote your video to the right audience, which will be interested, and it will lead to higher quality follows. 

And of course, last but not least, I wouldn't avoid all the generic viral hashtags. Use one or two of those niche videos and see how it performs. I'm not completely guessing them since I've been using them as well.But of course, if you do not follow the last day, we're gonna talk about now, all these won't matter.


3. Step Number 3: The Copicat Innovation Method

This is the strategy that will make you go viral. It glues everything together, and it is my favorite strategy by far. And it's the way I found success on social media multiple times. 

So what do we mean by Copicat Innovation? First of all, we humans, from the moment we are born, we are coping. This is how we learn how we grow and how we operate. 

I want you to take that one step further and implement that on social media, meaning that you have to find three to five mentors, meaning pages and people in your niche that have found success, and that you love their content and would like to make content like they do. I want you to find the average views of that page and look at as many videos as you can that are above that average.

Break them down and see what they did differently than you and why these videos got that many views. 

And next, I want you to create a spreadsheet. I mean, that spreadsheet, I want you to write down the videos from your mentors that got lots of views and that you can recreate in your own way. You see where I'm going with this? Now you can basically model those videos that are proven to go viral and get views and recreate them in your own way with your own style, your own information and now there is a high possibility of these videos to go viral because you did your research and you know what works instead of coming up with random ideas and trying to innovate. 

Innovation is for the big creators. Small creators, copy and model what already works. If you want to know more about this, I have a completely free product called the Creator Economy Playbook.

In there, I have more information about the Copycat Innovation Method and about finding and researching viral video ideas and building the niche of one. It is a great resource for new creators and experience creators are like and you can go and grab it for free in the description below. 

And you will also join my email list where I will be sending you valuable emails every week. I hope you like it and love you. So now that you've watched this video make sure to watch this video next where you will learn how to get unstuck from the 200-view hell. See you over there! So please, so pack your bags, pack your bags, I want to reach one million.
