For TikTok Creator: Get Free Followers 5,000+ a Day

Hey Guys, if you're a TikTok creator, I'm going to show you guys how to get up to 10,000 free TikTok followers in this video.

This is only going to take under five minutes. This isn't going to be your general video where it's going to be like algorithm hacks and all this stuff. This is literally going to be 10,000 free TikTok followers added to your account. 

Now you might be thinking, why don't you follow us? I need views. I need to be famous. I need to be, you know, all this need likes and stuff. Well, the reason why you want 10,000 TikTok followers is one, you can add a link to your bio so you can sell stuff and promote and do sponsored posts and stuff like that. But then also at 10,000 followers, you can join the TikTok creator program to then go ahead and actually earn money on your TikTok account.129153829.png

So if you do go viral, you won't actually be able to actually get some of the income from that video going viral. As you know, the TikTok creator program actually is paying quite a bit of money right now. So if you want to be in that, I highly recommend getting these first 10,000 followers and then actually going ahead and start creating a lot more content and getting paid by TikTok. 

So what I'm going to do here, guys, is show you the full tutorial of how to actually get basically 10,000 free followers on your TikTok account and it's going to be super quick. So as you guys can see, I've got my iPhone up here recording. You guys should see this account. And yeah, so what I'm going to do is bring you through this and how to do this. So as you guys can see, I just kind of did a test run as you guys can see.


This is a brand new account is made. Absolutely no photos, no videos, no nothing. Everything is just pretty much gone, nothing brand new account. And I've got 1500 followers. So I'm going to show you basically how to do this. Now these are all real looking accounts as you guys can see. So I'm a bit like a young, but as you guys can see, there's a real accounts here. So what I'm going to do is show you exactly how to do this. So what we're going to do is obviously go to the three dashes at the top of your TikTok and go to settings and privacy.


Now what you need to do is go to privacy and you need to make sure your account is not private. It by default every account is public on TikTok. So make sure that is without this, you actually will not be able to send the followers to this account. So make sure you guys are on a private account.


You also want to go down here and go to down to cache and cellular and you're going to go to free up space and just go ahead and clear the cache. Now, this is going to clear the cache of all the downloads as well and just makes the data free for TikTok. Sometimes clear the cache will act without clear the cache. The followers won't send and you need to clear the cache as you see the followers. But if you clear the cache, your followers will come in instantly. So just to see the followers instantly, sometimes it does bug out so we should be all good. 

Okay, now we're going to go ahead and add the followers. And what I'm going to do is show you the website where we do this. So follow along. And we go in here. Okay, let me get all these tabs. Go to New Browser and you're going to type in this.


It's called Okay, and what it's going to do is actually load the tikfamous website here as you guys can see. And it's going to, so what you're going to do is it's going to have a username. You're going to have to connect. So go back to your TikTok or if you remember the name, I'm going to type in my riser, 12345. So riser TV. Riser TV. 12345. So obviously type in your TikTok name or whatever count you want to add. That's really a matter of press connect. 129154510.png

Okay. And you connect. And then you're going to be able to select how many followers want. 


Now I would highly recommend you can just do 5000 up straight away. You can do that. But if you want to look way more legit, you know, if you want, you know, doing a thousand of time guys, if you want to look more legit to your friends and family or, you know, your actual TikTok followers, I would just do a thousand of the time being. If you can do 5000, you can, you know, you can do up to like a hundred thousand a day. If you want to keep doing this process and do 5000 every time. And if you want to get into that TikTok creator program, you want to be doing 5000 and then doing this twice. But basically you press that. And what it's going to do is take you here and it's going to say the thing that's going to say bot check. Then what you're going to do is go ahead and press the red button.


Next is going to take you to a page where it's going to go ahead and say you need to go ahead and get some things here in order to actually get the followers on a TikTok. So it's going to have this. Follow these instructions on two things below to add your real TikTok followers. There's going to be a video in there.


Should be a working and now you can go ahead and start uploading content. Like I said, get to 10,000. Get the TikTok creator award things you can go ahead and actually start earning money. 129155049.png

On your TikTok videos, and it's just going to make you way more famous. Thank you so much for watching, guys. If you need any help with this, drop comment below. 
